Chapter Nine
Nayla knew something wasn't quite right when she counted thirteen wolves lounging around the campground rather than the usual dozen. Next to the Were named Kaige sat an unfamiliar salt-and-pepper-haired wolf. She stopped short and tugged at Mace's hand. "What's going on? Who is that?"
He chuckled and leaned toward her ear. "Very perceptive. I could introduce you but I'm certain you've already met."
"I've met him?" She asked, but Mace had already left her side and was headed toward Livia, who cowered as he neared.
Nayla clasped her hands in front of her and stayed a safe distance from the strange Were. There was something very familiar about his eyes. And as he stepped away from the pack and drew closer, Nayla wasn't frightened. He held his head down, as if ashamed and bowed at her feet. Well, as much as a large animal could.
"Who are you?" she asked, unable to hide her curiosity.
"Forgive me, my Queen. It is I, your loyal guard, Saul."
"Saul?" Confusion mixed with the excitement of seeing someone familiar, someone she thought she might never see again. Nayla draped her arms around his massive neck, forgetting all propriety. "Saul, how is it you?"
"Are you well, my Queen?" he said quietly against her ear.
"Yes, I am." She pulled back and examined his face, taking in every detail. It truly was her Saul. "I'm fine. Look at you. How is this possible?"
He lowered his eyes again. "I apologize for my deceitfulness, my Queen. I've failed to disclose that I am part Were."
"Saul." She ran her fingers over his silver fur. "I had no idea. Why didn't you ever tell me?" Someone so close to her, someone she trusted, had always been what she'd feared most, what she'd most hated.
"My Queen--"
"Call me Nayla. You're my family. You've always been my family."
"Nayla," he said hesitantly, "I've been torn between two battling worlds my whole life. To live without fear, I needed to choose one. My option was, of course, limited. Weres were not welcomed into human society. Not since long before the war."
Nayla blinked her eyes to keep from tearing up. The man had always been a father figure to her. What an awful life he'd had to live, denying his true self. And to think she'd been part of the reason. "I don't want you to hide it anymore. I want you to be you, whether Were or human." She glanced over her shoulder at Mace, who now stood alone. Livia was nowhere to be seen. "How did you find me?"
"I saw Fenton freeing the wolves and I knew something was amiss. When I went to your room and you weren't there, I followed your scent. I met Mace halfway here. He said he was on the way back to the castle."
"Why would he--" she began, but stopped when she felt Mace's looming presence behind her, his warmth and wild scent encompassing her. He'd moved so quickly and quietly, she hadn't seen him coming.
He wrapped his arm around her waist and gathered her against his body. "I want you to be safe, Nayla. And after seeing you succumb to the cold last night, I can't ask you to continue on with the journey without a known destination."
Her mouth dried up and her pulse sped. "What do you mean? Did you bring Saul to take me back?"
"It's not that simple, love."
"You're giving me up because I got a little chilled?" She wasn't sure why she was so hurt by the idea. Isn't this what she'd wanted? To go back to her normal life? Her feelings were unbalanced. Somehow, someway, Mace had maneuvered into her heart. And she didn't know if she could give him up so easily.
"No. I'll tell you a hundred times, Nayla, if that's what it takes. You're my mate. Nothing will stand in the way of that." He turned her and held her by the shoulders. "Your councilman Fenton is dangerous. With his threats to take your life, I had no choice but to take you with me."
"So you wouldn't have otherwise," she whispered. Her heart pinched tight as his words sunk in deep.
"I don't know." He cupped her face and pierced her with his brilliant blue eyes. "As much as I want you with me, I can't deny that drifting isn't a life for a human woman."
"I can handle it." Had she just said that? She bit her lip to keep from saying more. Did she really want to continue to travel endlessly through cold weather and rain? Did she want to give up her position of Queen? She shook her head. All she knew was she didn't want to lose Mace. She loved him and had no intention of saying goodbye anytime soon.
His Adam's apple bobbed unsteadily as he continued to study her face. "Saul has promised he'll dispose of Fenton and whoever else dares to threaten you. As soon as I find a home for us, I'll come for you."
Tears burned her eyes but she stayed strong. "Come back with me."
"I won't leave my pack without a leader."
"Bring them with you." Determination pushed all doubts from her mind. "Paqualette is my country and I welcome your pack." She smiled as every piece began to fit together. "Saul?"
"Yes, my, uh, Nayla."
"The country respects you. If they realize a Were has been living amongst them for all these years and that I've trusted you as my guard, then they're bound to accept Mace's pack. Don't you think?"
"I don't know. I suppose it could help."
She turned back to Mace. "There's a thousand acres of undeveloped land in the eastern section of Paqualette. A generous river runs through it and I've heard the soil is rich. I want to give that land to you and your pack. You can finally have a home of your own. All I ask is that the Weres obey Paqualette law just as the humans do. There can't be any separation or it won't work."
Mace looked at Kaige, his second-in-command. The Were had seemed very important to Mace, possibly a good friend, Nayla had observed during their time at the castle. But did the Were have a say in this pack? She didn't quite understand the dynamics yet.
Kaige transformed and, just like every other time Nayla had seen him in his human form, he left her a little breathless. He was almost as handsome as Mace, but in a carefree way with his long brown hair unkempt, sitting in clumps that hung down his broad shoulders. His smoky gaze met Mace's and he murmured something in their secret Were language.
Mace shook his head, apparently dismissing whatever his friend had said, then turned back to Nayla. He squeezed her shoulders gently but gave no sign of acceptance. Doubt shadowed his eyes. "Your offer is very generous but I can't accept your charity."
"Charity? Mace, isn't this what you've been searching for? A home for your pack? Equality and peace with the humans?"
"Equality?" He scoffed. "That'll be the day." He dropped his hands to his sides and cursed under his breath as he walked away from her.
Rage built up inside and she followed him, determined to win this argument. "Does my offer offend you so? Do you have any idea what I've overcome to even consider it?"
He stopped at the riverbed and whipped around, cutting her with his dark gaze. "Tell me, Nayla. What did we scary Weres do to the precious Queen of Paqualette?"
She stifled the memories rushing to her mind. This wasn't the time to show weakness, but Mace needed to know her story. "Paqualette has always been a peaceful country. We tried to remain neutral during the Great War. Our soldiers stayed home to protect our boundaries and didn't allow any Were to step over. But it wasn't enough. One night, a bloodied, battered Were broke into my home and murdered my mother and father. He tore them apart while I watched, helpless and terrified. There was nothing I could do to save them." She stopped to take in a calming breath. The memory was still too fresh in her mind.
"Nayla. I'm so sorry." Mace's voice was a gruff whisper. Her stomach churned. She'd never told anyone but her physician about what else had happened that day. But Mace needed to know. If he chose not to want her after he heard the story, then so be it.
"His fur was covered in blood as he approached me. I was curled up in the corner of the room, paralyzed with fear. I couldn't even gather the nerve to scream, to yell at him for murdering my parents. I couldn't fight back. I was a coward."
"You were a child." He grabbed her wrist, but she twisted away, unable to feel his touch at that moment.
"I was a young teenager." She gulped down her anxiety and continued. "He laughed at me then and...and, in his dirty, foul human form, he hurt me so savagely that I--" Her voice betrayed her and she broke into a sob.
A violent growl ripped from Mace's throat and Nayla winced. She gathered the courage to look into her lover's eyes to say the most important part.
"I can't have children." She held her stomach and a familiar knot twisted deep in her womb as she recounted the memory. She'd tried to forget, tried to make it not matter. But it did matter. Now that her future wasn't only her own, it mattered more than she ever wanted it to.
Shame consuming her, she looked away from Mace's watchful gaze and continued. "I was a virgin, but he didn't care. He had his way with me and made it so I can never bear children." She sucked in a breath and slowly looked up to see his reaction. "So can you understand that when I was made Queen, I swore I would never allow such a travesty to happen to anyone else in my kingdom?"
Mace's nostrils flared, his eyes narrowed and his muscles tensed to make him seem at least a foot taller. "I'll find him, Nayla." His lips tightened as he bared his teeth. "I swear to you I will find him and make him pay for hurting you."
She believed him and honestly wouldn't have minded seeing that bastard punished at the hands of her lover. But the past had been settled in the past. There was no one left to penalize. "He was already found and brought to justice for killing my parents, as was his pack." By the Paqualette Guard, so it was told. They'd hunted down the pack during daylight hours and decapitated every one of them.
Mace clenched his hands so hard, she heard his knuckles crack. "I'm very sorry you went through that," he said through gritted teeth, obviously holding back his rage. "Is there anything I can do, Nayla, to make it up to you?"
She swallowed and looked away from his fierce stare. "That day is the reason I had you captured and imprisoned. I was wrong to judge all Weres by the actions of one, I see that now and I want to make it right. I trust you, Mace. I trust your pack. And I want to show the people of Paqualette what I see in you."
He stepped closer and she allowed him to wrap his arms around her. In his arms, she felt safe. In his arms, she could almost forget.
He kissed the top of her head and drew her close. "Nayla, my Nayla, had I known you then, I would've protected you and your family." His hand cupped her cheek and his muscles relaxed.
Nayla leaned into his palm, welcoming the warmth, needing it.
He stared at her for a long moment and she hoped he wasn't rethinking wanting to have her as his mate.
She'd never be able to bear his children.
Finally, he spoke in a low voice. "Are you okay?"
"I am." She ran her fingers down his chest. "I would be better if you agreed to come back with me."
"I won't be your WereSlave."
"I know. I would never ask that of you now." She watched hopefully as the hard lines of his face softened some. Her fingertips gingerly circled his bare chest.
"I won't live apart from you, Nayla. You're my mate. You'll live with me in a home that I build for us." He held her hand still above his heart.
"The castle could be our home. We have everything we need there." Joy was quickly smothered by reality. "But I'm afraid there is a law, stopping me from having a husband."
He shook his head. "I don't need your country's approval. In the eyes of my people, you're already mine."
His. But what of love? Did Weres declare their love? Or was she a means to an end? She couldn't help wonder if Mace knew she'd offer land to his pack. Did she really mean something to him or was this all just a well organized effort to find a home for his people?
No. Of course he cared for her. She saw it in his adoring gaze. She felt it in the way he made love to her so passionately.
"You'll change the law. If their approval means so much to you." He tilted his head. "If I mean something to you."
Change the law? It seemed so simple. She'd never considered it before. She'd always thought her country deserved her individual attention, that the law was there for a good reason. She'd been prepped and prepared to be a selfless servant until her last breath. Certainly having Mace at her side as her consort--no, her King, an equal ruler--would only help her be a better Queen.
"The council will have to agree."
"They will. I'll see to it."
Nayla didn't want to ask what he meant by that. "Then you agree? You'll come back with me?"
His jaw visibly ticked as he nodded. "Yes, I agree."
* * * * *
She'll never bear my children. Mace let the knowledge sink in as he carried her in his arms through the dark forest. He'd spent countless years dreaming of finding a mate and having the family he'd wanted since he'd been human. A dream that had been torn from him just as his wife had been.
He'd lost everything with this plague that had transformed him into every man's enemy. A Were. A drifter.
Now that he'd found Nayla, he refused to let her go. Children or no, he'd love and protect her. He'd never allow anyone to hurt her again. And as they traveled closer to danger, to Fenton and the unknown, he held her tighter to his body.
She nuzzled up to his neck, her arms enfolded loosely around his shoulders, her legs wrapped around his waist. She hadn't spoken a word since they'd started their trek back to the castle.
Her body trembled slightly, but not as she had the night before. Tonight there was no rain. There was barely a breeze as he ran alongside his pack.
"Are you all right, love?" He hoisted her higher up his abdomen.
"I don't know." Her soft voice ruffled against his ear. "I'm...I suppose I'm nervous."
Mace clenched his jaw. Is this when she changed her mind? He couldn't say he hadn't seen it coming. However, her anxiety was irrelevant. Weres mated for life. She'd have to accept that. But for now he'd allow her to think she had a choice in the matter. It would make their lives easier. "Do you wish to stop?"
"Only for a moment. So I can stretch."
"Of course." He carefully set her on the ground and called for his pack and Saul to continue without them. They'd most likely need some time alone.
Her cheeks were rosy and her green eyes glistened as she looked up at him and gave him a brave smile. So lovely and sweet. She licked her plump lips, swiped loose curls from her cheek and perched her tiny hands on her waist.
God, she was the most beautiful creature he'd ever seen.
His cock grew stiff at just the sight of her. And her eyes dipped to watch as he grew hard for her.
"Mace." She quickly met his gaze again and drew out a long breath. "Here?"
He grinned. "Anywhere."
She let out a heartfelt laugh and the tense lines in her forehead eased. "You're insatiable."
"Only for you."
Her smile twisted anxiously. "I want to tell you something, Mace. Before we go any farther."
"There's no need. There's only our destiny. We move forward and never look back. That's all there is to do, love."
"Love." Her lips flattened and her eyes lost their sparkle. "Why do you call me that? Do you, you know, do you feel that way for me?"
"Isn't that obvious?" he asked too sharply.
She took a step back as if he'd slapped her.
Hell. What was his problem? Why couldn't he just say the damn words? He knew they mattered to a woman like Nayla. They'd mattered to his wife so many years ago. He'd said them freely and often back then. Until she lay on her deathbed.
"I suppose we don't have to speak about this now. You probably have a lot on your mind." She straightened her dress and looked toward the trees. "I was only curious."
Mace opened his mouth to speak, to force out the words that teased the tip of his tongue, but stopped when a strange scent seized his attention. He jerked his head to the right then the left. Where was it coming from? Why hadn't he heard footsteps? Had he been so wrapped up in this woman he'd missed something? Damn.
No breeze meant the scent was near.
Too near.
He looked back at Nayla and saw that she'd taken steps away from him. "Nayla." He moved toward her, to grab her and run.
"Stop right there." Fenton stepped out from behind a tree like a panther in the night and captured Nayla in his arms. A knife pressed to her neck. "I'll kill her if you try anything, Were."